15 Health Benefits and Uses of Black Seed Oil

Top 15 Benefits and Uses of Black Seed Oil

Black seeds (or black cumin seeds or black caraway seeds) are seeds of the fennel flower. The term “black seeds” is a description, not a name, but it helps to distinguish these seeds from cumin seeds. The oil pressed from these seeds has been used medicinally for thousands of years by many cultures and it is still used today. When taken internally, the oil can counteract many diseases, including cancer. There have been many studies involving laboratory animals but studies involving humans are lacking. Black seeds are a valuable source of essential fatty acids omega-3, 6 and 9 and many other nutrients that work synergistically to support health. The most active ingredient is called Thymoquinone followed by Nigelone and Thymohydroquinone. Black seed oil is a multi-purpose natural remedy. You can almost use it for almost everything. That is not surprising considering that it has a long list of properties. Take a look at some of the compelling properties of black seeds:

  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-cancer
  • Antiasthmatic
  • Antihistamine
  • Anti-viral
  • Anticoagulant

For each property there is a long list of health benefits. It is not surprising that this oil was found in King Tut’s tomb in Egypt or that the Moslem prophet Muhammad claimed that they can cure anything except death itself. Here are the top 15 benefits of black seed oil.

1. Anti-microbial Benefits

Black seed oil is a natural antibiotic, antifungal and anti-virus that was used historically before drugs appeared on the scene a century ago. Historically, black seed oil has been used for “pink eye” (conjunctivitis), abscesses, and parasites. These days its antimicrobial property is in demand. More than 90,000 patients die annually due to viruses and bacteria that are resistant to antimicrobial drugs, such as candida, HIV, influenza, staphylococcal, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and malaria. A study done by Jawaharlal Medical College tested the potency of black seed oil against144 strains of these superbugs. In the study they pared black seed oil against antibiotics such as tetracycline, amoxillin and gatifloxacin.

Black seed oil was found to inhibit 97 of the 144 strains tested. It was notably effective against

multidrug-resistant strains of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa.

2. Cancer Treatment

Black seed oil has been used to treat cancer for centuries. Its active ingredients, thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone are responsible for its anti-cancer activities. Black seed is unique in that it can prevent and treat cancers through anti-proliferation, apoptosis induction, cell cycle arrest, reactive oxygen species generation, anti-metastasis, and anti-angiogenesis. With all these mechanisms working together tumors stand no chance. A study conducted by Croatian scientists evaluated the effectiveness of thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone against tumors in mice. They found these phytochemicals to decrease tumors by 52%. (Ivankovic S. & others). Black seed is sometimes used together with vitamin E, cysteine, and saffron to ease the side effects of a chemotherapy drug called cisplatin.

3. Reversal of Diabetes

Black seed oil is one of the few substances that are known to reverse both type I and type II diabetes. In a study published in the Journal for Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2011, the Indian Council for Medical Research found that black seed oil:

  • Increases lowered serum insulin concentrations.
  • Causes gradual partial regeneration of the beta cells of the pancreas.
  • Decreases the elevated serum glucose.
  • Improves glucose tolerance as efficiently as the drug metformin.

Black seed oil was found to do all this without any of the many side effects associated with metformin. (Murli L. & Others).

5. Weight Loss

Although it is traditionally not believed to treat obesity, black seed oil is amongst the most effective natural remedies as revealed by one study published in the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders. It works by decreasing weight gain triggers like appetite, glucose absorption in the intestines, liver gluconeogenesis, blood glucose levels, cholesterol, and triglycerides.

6. Liver Treatment

Black seed oil can greatly speed the healing of the liver for those whose liver has been damaged by drugs and alcohol. In a 2013 study scientists found that black seed oil positively benefits liver function and helps to prevent damage and diseases of the liver. (Hamed MA & Others). It is also effective at dissolving gallstones and liver stones and preventing their development.

7. Reverses Hair Loss

Black seed oil reverses hair loss by strengthening hair follicles. How it does this is not known yet but it its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties are suspected. It also improves overall hair health. So if you are going bold or if you want to grow a thicker beard, apply black seed oil.

8. Skin Healing

With its high content of essential fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids, black seed oil is a perfect daily skin moisturizer and lip balm, it protects against sunburn and has anti-aging properties. Black seed oil is also known to promote or inhibit melanin production, making it effective in the healing of hyperpigmentation. An Iranian study published in 2013 found black seed oil to be as effective as the skin cream Betamethasone in decreasing the severity of hand eczema. (Yousefi M. & Others). It is also effective for psoriasis and for the removal of moles. Here is good news for acne sufferers. With powerful regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, black seeds oil clears up your skin and gives it a soft, natural glow.

9. Promotes Heart Health

Due to its content of essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 and phytosterols, black seed oil improves elasticity in the blood vessel walls, preventing high blood pressure. It also lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It is therefore effective for maintaining heart health.

10. Heals the Digestive System

Black seed oil is used to treat problems of the digestive tract including nausea, upset stomach, colic, gas, dysentery, hemorrhoids and constipation. It also stimulates digestion.

11. Heals the Respiratory System

Black seed oil has been used for centuries for alleviating respiratory conditions including allergies, asthma, coughs, emphysema, bronchitis, flu, swine flu, sinus infections and nasal congestion.

12. Reproductive Health

Black seed oil has been used for a long time by both men and women to boost fertility, and to improve sex drive. Women have used it for centuries for birth control, to start menstruation, and to increase milk flow.

13. Pain and Fevers

Black seed oil has been used historically for the relief of back pain, muscle pain, headaches, migraines, toothache, joint pain, and sore throat. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it can quickly relieve flu and fevers. It also eases muscle cramps and spasms. Black seed oil mixed with olive oil (half teaspoon each) that are warmed and dripped into an ear that is aching will bring relief naturally.

14. Controls Seizures

Black seed oil is an effective anticonvulsant. Some studies have witnessed reduced episodes of seizures in patients who took the oil for 4-6 weeks together with their medicines. Researchers suspect that thymoquinone is responsible for this effectiveness against epilepsy. The good thing is black seed oil is free from the side effects that patients get from their pharmaceutical drugs.

15.Eliminates Insomnia

Many people claim that black seed oil has helped them to overcome insomnia. It even promotes deep sleep for most people. This effectiveness against insomnia has been proven by a number of studies too.

How to Use Black Seed Oil

For the skin, the hair, muscle pain, joint pain and toothache you can apply black seed oil directly to the skin or gums. You can take the oil or the seeds orally in a variety of ways. Here are some of the ways to take black seeds or the oil.

  • Consume a teaspoon of black seed oil daily.
  •   Mix a teaspoon with honey in a cup of warm water and take that daily.
  •   Consume black seeds plain with other seeds as a snack.
  •   Boil water with black seeds, let simmer and consume.
  •   Add black seeds to bread, food, and pastries.

These are just the top 15 health benefits of black seed oil. There are many other benefits which make this oil a must to keep in the kitchen cupboard. An article published in 2011 in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine says that multiple studies have found no long-term side effects of taking black seed oil or thymoquinone orally on a regular basis. At least there are no known side effects when taken in small quantities regularly. However, daily doses of 2 grams per kilogram of body weight caused liver and kidney damage in rats. It is therefore possible that high doses might affect humans. Finally, because of its powerful phytochemicals, black seed oil may interact with certain drugs . Therefore if you are on medication please consult with your doctor before taking black seed oil.


Hamed MA & Others, European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, Effects of black seed oil on resolution of hepato-renal toxicity induced by bromobenzene in rats, March 2013. 

Ivankovic S. & Others,

Experimental Oncology, The antitumor activity of thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone in vitro and in vivo,Sep 2006.

Murli L. & Others, Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Antidiabetic Properties of a Spice Plant Nigella sativa, April 2011.

Yousefi M. & Others, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Comparison of therapeutic effect of topical Nigella with Betamethasone and Eucerin in hand eczema,  December 2013.

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